NO&DO: a symbol you’ll see on every wall in Seville
It is known that Egyptians were the first population who used symbols in written language. Words expressed by figures, adorning monuments’ walls. Still today archaeologists believe that’s a quite interesting mystery.
Words turned into symbols: a passionate, patient and enlightening research, as if it could be a constant discovery, a new Rosetta stone.
The mystery of cryptography, its coded messages will always spread curiosity… and the “NO-DO” symbol, for those who come by in Seville, does it as well.
The “NO-DO” (alone or along with the city shield) is based on a well know legend whose main character is King Alfonso X, the Wise, one of most famous Sevillian kings. In spite of his cultural legacy, and due to people’s disappointment, he fell from grace, being defeated by his own son Sancho. Followed by what was left of his troops, he took refuge in Seville, where he lived till his death.
The word/symbol “NO-DO” that the king awarded to the city, is a testimony of the loyalty Seville showed him, a symbol of the strong connection between the King and the people who welcomed him till the day he died. Syllables NO and DO embrace an 8, which symbolizes a skein, a “madeja”. Try to read it: “NO-ma-dejaDO” (which stands for “no me ha dejado”) and means “(Seville) did not abandon me”. King Alfonso asked NO&DO to be officially included in the shield of the city, and still today it is.

NO&DO: a symbol you’ll see on every wall in Seville
It is known that Egyptians were the first population who used symbols in written language. Words expressed by figures, adorning monuments’ walls. Still today archaeologists believe that’s a quite interesting mystery.
Words turned into symbols: a passionate, patient and enlightening research, as if it could be a constant discovery, a new Rosetta stone.
The mystery of cryptography, its coded messages will always spread curiosity… and the “NO-DO” symbol, for those who come by in Seville, does it as well.
The “NO-DO” (alone or along with the city shield) is based on a well know legend whose main character is King Alfonso X, the Wise, one of most famous Sevillian kings. In spite of his cultural legacy, and due to people’s disappointment, he fell from grace, being defeated by his own son Sancho. Followed by what was left of his troops, he took refuge in Seville, where he lived till his death.
The word/symbol “NO-DO” that the king awarded to the city, is a testimony of the loyalty Seville showed him, a symbol of the strong connection between the King and the people who welcomed him till the day he died. Syllables NO and DO embrace an 8, which symbolizes a skein, a “madeja”. Try to read it: “NO-ma-dejaDO” (which stands for “no me ha dejado”) and means “(Seville) did not abandon me”. King Alfonso asked NO&DO to be officially included in the shield of the city, and still today it is.