“Saint Anthony, the one with the beard…”
“Saint Anthony, the one with the beard as white as the snow frost, please help me find what I lost.”
Are you a forgetful person and do you often lose things? We have the solution!
In the Gothic Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede, with 44 chapels in its interior, there is one that cannot be missed in your visit: the Chapel of San Antonio de Padua, or of the baptism, popularly known because there is a painting by Murillo (Sevillian Baroque painter) where the vision of the Saint is represented. A painting with a curious history, since part of the painting was stolen in the 19th century and recovered years later.
But focusing on the figure of St. Anthony, this Franciscan belonging to a noble Portuguese family, takes the surname of the Italian city that saw him die at age 35 as a result of a strong dropsy, and whose iconography is a reflection of his life:
1) A book in his hand, symbol of his theological knowledge and of the thousands of sermons he proclaimed during his brief life. He is known as the Evangelical Doctor of the Church.
2) A bouquet of white lilies as a symbol of purity.
3) A child in his arms. This is because during her spiritual retreat, when his illness was at its worst, he had a vision of the Child Jesus.
Well, knowing these small iconographic data, in this blog entry, we have chosen St. Anthony to tell you that prayers to this popular Saint, actually work.
Here are some of his miracles as told by our clients:
-“Dear Teresa. On our visit to Cadiz they stole my wallet with my money and all my documents. We have filed a complaint and we have made our prayer to St. Anthony.
Do you know what happened? They called us to tell us that everything was at the police station.
San Antonio works!”
–“On my trip to Seville a couple of months ago I fell asleep on the plane. Back at the hotel, I go to get my glasses from my bag and they were gone, I was very upset because I thought I had lost them on the plane.
The next day, on a guided tour of the Cathedral of Seville, our nice guide, Irene, told us the prayer to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost objects.
What was my surprise? On the way back to my hotel room and to my great surprise, I found the glasses inside the suitcase, in a little bag where I had kept all the important documentation.”
–“I am a tour guide and it happened to me that a lady in my group lost the radio guide for which she would have to pay 75€ at the end of the visit. We made the prayer in our visit to the Cathedral of Seville and when we left we found the radio lying on the ground in one of the streets adjacent to the Cathedral”
–“I was in my apartment with my grandchildren and they had me crazy. I couldn’t remember where I had put my house keys and I was desperate. I prayed to St. Anthony and a few minutes later I found the keys under a rug.”
What do you think? Are you going to ask Saint Anthony for help? Please, if you do, don’t forget to tell us your experience.

“Saint Anthony, the one with the beard…”
“Saint Anthony, the one with the beard as white as the snow frost, please help me find what I lost.”
Are you a forgetful person and do you often lose things? We have the solution!
In the Gothic Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede, with 44 chapels in its interior, there is one that cannot be missed in your visit: the Chapel of San Antonio de Padua, or of the baptism, popularly known because there is a painting by Murillo (Sevillian Baroque painter) where the vision of the Saint is represented. A painting with a curious history, since part of the painting was stolen in the 19th century and recovered years later.
But focusing on the figure of St. Anthony, this Franciscan belonging to a noble Portuguese family, takes the surname of the Italian city that saw him die at age 35 as a result of a strong dropsy, and whose iconography is a reflection of his life:
1) A book in his hand, symbol of his theological knowledge and of the thousands of sermons he proclaimed during his brief life. He is known as the Evangelical Doctor of the Church.
2) A bouquet of white lilies as a symbol of purity.
3) A child in his arms. This is because during her spiritual retreat, when his illness was at its worst, he had a vision of the Child Jesus.
Well, knowing these small iconographic data, in this blog entry, we have chosen St. Anthony to tell you that prayers to this popular Saint, actually work.
Here are some of his miracles as told by our clients:
-“Dear Teresa. On our visit to Cadiz they stole my wallet with my money and all my documents. We have filed a complaint and we have made our prayer to St. Anthony.
Do you know what happened? They called us to tell us that everything was at the police station.
San Antonio works!”
–“On my trip to Seville a couple of months ago I fell asleep on the plane. Back at the hotel, I go to get my glasses from my bag and they were gone, I was very upset because I thought I had lost them on the plane.
The next day, on a guided tour of the Cathedral of Seville, our nice guide, Irene, told us the prayer to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost objects.
What was my surprise? On the way back to my hotel room and to my great surprise, I found the glasses inside the suitcase, in a little bag where I had kept all the important documentation.”
–“I am a tour guide and it happened to me that a lady in my group lost the radio guide for which she would have to pay 75€ at the end of the visit. We made the prayer in our visit to the Cathedral of Seville and when we left we found the radio lying on the ground in one of the streets adjacent to the Cathedral”
–“I was in my apartment with my grandchildren and they had me crazy. I couldn’t remember where I had put my house keys and I was desperate. I prayed to St. Anthony and a few minutes later I found the keys under a rug.”
What do you think? Are you going to ask Saint Anthony for help? Please, if you do, don’t forget to tell us your experience.